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New Milestones: ATG Partners with Mikrotek for Unmatched Wire Drawing Solutions
New Milestones: ATG Partners with Mikrotek for Unmatched Wire Drawing Solutions

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone – our partnership with Mikrotek, a leading Indian manufacturer renowned for their exceptional wire drawing dies. This collaboration marks a moment of immense pride for us, as we join forces with a company whose values and commitment mirror our own.

Mikrotek's reputation for excellence aligns perfectly with our vision of providing clients with the best possible products and services. Their extensive experience in the field of wire drawing dies, combined with their unwavering dedication to innovation, positions us to take the industry to new heights.

We are particularly impressed by Mikrotek's:

  • Global Reach: Their extensive presence ensures accessibility and efficient service delivery.
  • ISO 9001:2015 Certification: This internationally recognized standard underscores their commitment to quality management and further strengthens our trust in this partnership.

This collaboration signifies our unwavering commitment to exceeding client expectations. Together with Mikrotek, we are confident in offering the highest quality wire drawing solutions and exceptional service, ensuring our clients remain at the forefront of their respective industries.

We look forward to a fruitful and collaborative partnership, working hand-in-hand with Mikrotek to empower our clients' success.